Workers’ Health Surveillance-Mental Health (WHS-MH)

Workers’ Health Surveillance-Mental Health (WHS-MH)

Background Mental health complaints occur frequently among healthcare workers. A workers’ health surveil- lance mental health module (WHS-MH) was found to be effective in improving work functioning of nurses, although not implemented regularly. Therefore, training for occupational physicians and nurses to facilitate the implementation of WHS-MH was developed and evaluated.
Aims This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of training on knowledge, self-efficacy and motivation to implement WHS-MH, and to evaluate participants’ satisfaction with the training.
Methods Three-hour training was held among 49 occupational physicians and nurses in the Netherlands. Effect on knowledge, self-efficacy and motivation was assessed using knowledge tests and question- naires before and immediately after the training. Satisfaction with the training was measured using questionnaires after the training.
Results A mean knowledge test score of 5.3 (SD = 1.6) was found before training, which did not significantly increase after training (M = 5.6, SD = 1.8). In total, 43% agreed or strongly agreed to have sufficient skills to implement WHS-MH, which significantly increased to 78% after the training. Furthermore, 87% agreed or strongly agreed to be motivated to initiate WHS, which significantly increased to 94% after the training.The majority of participants were satisfied with the training.
Conclusions Training may enhance the implementation of the WHS-MH through increasing self-efficacy and motivation. However, no effect on level of knowledge to implement WHS-MH was found.

Rank: 111
First Author: Los
Outcome: Intervention Experience,Self-Efficacy
Outcome p-value: Intervention Experience:●, Self-Efficacy:⭑⭑⭑
Intervention Category: Health Literacy and Anti-Stigma,Coping Skills Development
Time per Employee (hours): 3
Hours per Employee: 3
D&B Study Quality Rating: 7
Reviewer Confidence: 2
Country: The Netherlands
Study Design Type: Quasi-experimental
Materials Available to Implement: Information on the training is in the article's supplementary files. Lead author email:
Organiz./Individ. Focus: Individual
Prevention Category: Primary,Secondary
Effect size Small:
Effect size Medium:
Reference: Los, F.S., van der Molen, H.F.,   de Boer, A.G.E.M., Hulshof, C.T.J., Ketelaar, S.M. and Nieuwenhuijsen, K., (2022). Workers’ health surveillance targeting mental health: evaluation of a training. Occupational Medicine ; 72:244–247.