Stretch-Release Relaxation & Cognitive Relaxation Interventions

Stretch-Release Relaxation & Cognitive Relaxation Interventions

Nurse managers are under increased stress because of excessive workloads and hospitals' restructuring which is affecting their work tasks. High levels of stress could affect their mental health. Yet, few stress management training programmes are provided for this population. The purpose of this study was to apply stretch-release relaxation and cognitive relaxation training to enhance the mental health for nurse managers. A total of 65 nurse managers in Hong Kong were randomly assigned to stretch-release relaxation (n = 17), cognitive relaxation (n = 18), and a test control group (n = 35). Mental health status was assessed using the Chinese version of State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and the Chinese version of the General Health Questionnaire. Participants were assessed at the pretreatment session, the fourth posttreatment session, and at the 1-month follow-up session. The results revealed both the stretch-release and cognitive relaxation training enhanced mental health in nurse managers in Hong Kong. The application of relaxation training in enhancing mental health status for nurses and health professionals is discussed.

Rank: 65
First Author: Yung
Outcome: Anxiety,General Health
Outcome p-value: Anxiety:⭑, General Health:⭑
Intervention Category: Reflection and Relaxation
Time per Employee (hours): 1.3
Hours per Employee: 1
D&B Study Quality Rating: 15
Reviewer Confidence: 2.5
Country: China (Hong Kong)
Study Design Type: RCT
Materials Available to Implement: Intervention outlined in publication. Both groups were provided with relaxation tapes and instructed to practise their respective relaxation procedures for 1 month. Nurse managers served as instructors. Corresponding author:
Organiz./Individ. Focus: Individual
Prevention Category: Primary,Secondary
Effect Size: Large
Effect size Small:
Effect size Medium:
Effect size Large: Anxiety,General Health
Reference: Yung, Paul M. B., Man Yi Fung, Tony M. F. Chan, and Bernard W. K. Lau. “Relaxation Training Methods for Nurse Managers in Hong Kong: A Controlled Study.” International Journal of Mental Health Nursing 13, no. 4 (December 2004): 255–61.