Individualised Wellbeing And Resilience for DoctorS (iWARDS)

Individualised Wellbeing And Resilience for DoctorS (iWARDS)

Background: Burnout for doctors-in-training is increasingly cause for concern. Our objectives were to assess the feasibility, acceptability and impact of a novel intervention to reduce burnout and improve wellbeing. This is the first wellbeing intervention for Medicaldoctors to include strategies for work-life boundary management and digital wellbeing.

Methods: Twenty-two doctors participated in face-to-face workshops which included group discussion of challenges experienced and strategies to enhance self-care and wellbeing. A pre-post-test mixed-methods evaluation was undertaken. Questionnaire measures were the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory, Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale and the boundary control subscale of the Work-Life Indicator (i.e., the degree of perception of control of the boundaries between work and personal life). Paired t-tests examined whether there were statistically significant differences. Eleven doctors also participated in post-intervention semi-structured interviews. Transcripts were analysed using thematic analysis.

Results: The intervention was well-received, with all trainees finding the workshop useful and saying they would recommend it to others. At baseline most participants had scores indicative of burnout on both the disengagement (82%) and exhaustion (82%) subscales of the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory. One month post- intervention, participants had a statistically significant reduction in burnout (both disengagement and exhaustion) and improvement in boundary control. Wellbeing scores also improved, but differences were not statistically significant. Qualitative analysis indicated participants had welcomed a safe space to discuss stressors and many had implemented digital wellbeing strategies to manage their smartphone technology, and increased self-care such as Mindfulnesspractice and walking in green space.

Conclusions: The intervention reduced burnout and improved boundary control. We suggest that having protected time for doctors to share personal experiences, adopt digital wellbeing and self-care strategies are effective tools to support doctors’ wellbeing and should be investigated further.

Rank: 106
First Author: Rich
Outcome: Burnout,Well-being,Work Functioning
Outcome p-value: Burnout:⭑, Well-being:●, Work Functioning:⭑
Intervention Category: Health Literacy and Anti-Stigma,Coping Skills Development
Time per Employee (hours): 12
Hours per Employee: 12
D&B Study Quality Rating: 9
Reviewer Confidence: 2.5
Country: United Kingdom
Study Design Type: Quasi-experimental
Materials Available to Implement: The iWARDS booklet describing in detailed fashion the strategies covered in the workshops with useful forms and resources can be downloaded from the iWARDS website ( The website lists individuals involved in the project and their contact information for further information. Corresponding author emai:
Materials Available: yes
Organiz./Individ. Focus: Individual
Prevention Category: Primary,Secondary
Effect Size: Small
Effect size Small: Burnout,Work Functioning
Effect size Medium:
Reference: Rich, A., Aly, A., Cecchinato, M.E., Lascau, L., Baker, M., Viney, R., & Cox, A.L. (2020). Evaluation of a novel intervention to reduce burnout in doctors-in-training using self-care and digital wellbeing strategies: a mixed-methods pilot, BMC MedicalEducation, 20:294.