Happy Nurse Project

Happy Nurse Project

Background: The efficacy of the mindfulness-based stress management program for maintaining a better mental state has not been examined among working populations. We aimed to explore the effectiveness of the brief mindfulness-based stress management program for hospital nurses.

Methods: In a multi-center randomized trial, 80 junior nurses working in hospitals were randomly allocated either to the brief mindfulness-based stress management program or psychoeducation using a leaflet. The program consisted of four 30 min individual sessions conducted by trained senior nurses using a detailed manual. The primary outcome was the total score of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) at week 26. Secondary outcomes included presence of a major depressive episode; severity of depression, anxiety, insomnia, burnout, and presenteeism; utility scores; and adverse events up to 52 weeks.

Results: The mean HADS score of all the participants at baseline was 7.2. At 26 weeks, adjusted mean scores on the HADS score were 7.2 (95% confidence intervals: 5.9, 8. 5) in the program group and 6.0 (4.8, 7.2) in the leaflet group, respectively. The coefficient of the group by time interaction was not statistically significant at -1.41 (-3.35, 0.54; P = 0.156). No significant superiority or inferiority was observed on the other outcomes.

Limitations: We did not manage to recruit the number of participants we initially set out, although our post-hoc analyses showed that this did not lead to changes in our conclusions.

Conclusions: The additive value of the brief mindfulness-based stress management program was not confirmed in mental state and self-evaluated work efficiency.

Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02151162.

Rank: 26
First Author: Watanabe
Outcome: Anxiety,Burnout,Depression,Emot. Exhaust./Comp. Fatig.,Sleep/Exhaustion,Work Functioning
Outcome p-value: Emotional Exhaustion/Compassion Fatigue:●, Depression:●, Anxiety:●, Burnout:●, Work Functioning:●, Sleep Exhaustion:●
Intervention Category: Mindfulness
Time per Employee (hours): 2
Hours per Employee: 2
D&B Study Quality Rating: 19
Reviewer Confidence: 3.5
Country: Japan
Study Design Type: RCT
Materials Available to Implement: Intervention adapted from Beck (2011). Program conducted by senior nurses trained in a 7-hour workshop, including lectures and role- playing. Detailed manual, including rationales for each component and recommended dialogues between senior nurses and participants, plus videos, including lectures, was provided. Checklist used to maintain adherence to the treatment manual. Corresponding Author: watanabe.norio.6x@kyoto-u.ac.jp.
Organiz./Individ. Focus: Individual
Prevention Category: Secondary,Tertiary
Reference: Watanabe, Norio, Masaru Horikoshi, Issei Shinmei, Yuki Oe, Tomomi Narisawa, Mie Kumachi, Yutaka Matsuoka, Kei Hamazaki, and Toshi A. Furukawa. “Brief Mindfulness-Based Stress Management Program for a Better Mental State in Working Populations - Happy Nurse Project: A Randomized Controlled Trial✰✰.” Journal of Affective Disorders 251 (May 2019): 186–94. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2019.03.067.