Gratitude Letter Writing

Gratitude Letter Writing

Emotional exhaustion (EE) in health care workers is common and consequentially linked to lower quality of care. Effective interventions to address EE are urgently needed.
This randomized single-exposure trial examined the efficacy of a gratitude letter–writing intervention for improving health care workers’ well-being.
A total of 1575 health care workers were randomly assigned to one of two gratitude letter–writing prompts (self- vs other focused) to assess differential efficacy. Assessments of EE, subjective happiness, work-life balance, and tool engagement were collected at baseline and 1-week post intervention. Participants received their EE score at baseline and quartile benchmarking scores. Paired-samples t tests, independent t tests, and correlations explored the efficacy of the intervention. Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count software assessed the linguistic content of the gratitude letters and associations with well-being.
Participants in both conditions showed significant improvements in EE, happiness, and work-life balance between the intervention and 1-week follow-up (P<.001). The self-focused (vs other) instruction conditions did not differentially predict improvement in any of the measures (P=.91). Tool engagement was high, and participants reporting higher motivation to improve their EE had higher EE at baseline (P.05).
This single-exposure gratitude letter–writing intervention appears to be a promising low-cost, brief, and meaningful tool to improve the well-being of health care workers.

Rank: 21
First Author: Adair
Outcome: Emot. Exhaust./Comp. Fatig.,Happiness,Work-Life Balance,Intervention Experience
Outcome p-value: Emotional Exhaustion/Compassion Fatigue:⭑⭑⭑, Happiness:⭑⭑⭑, Work-Life Balance:⭑⭑⭑, Intervention Experience:●
Intervention Category: Reflection and Relaxation
Time per Employee (hours): 0.12
D&B Study Quality Rating: 19
Reviewer Confidence: 4
Country: US
Study Design Type: RCT
Materials Available to Implement: The gratitude letter–writing intervention invited participants to spend approximately 7 min writing an appreciative letter to someone who has positively affected their lives. Participants in either the self-focus condition or the other-focus condition simply described in the article. The questionnaire for participants is at: Intervention instructions provided in publication. Data can be collected (requires agreement) via: Lead author email:
Materials Available: yes
Organiz./Individ. Focus: Individual
Prevention Category: Secondary,Tertiary
Effect size Small:
Effect size Medium:
Reference: Adair, K. C., Rodriguez-Homs, L. G., Masoud, S., Mosca, P. J., & Sexton, J. B. (2020). Gratitude at Work: Prospective Cohort Study of a Web-Based, Single-Exposure Well-Being Intervention for Health Care Workers. Journal of MedicalInternet Research, 22(5), e15562.